Pathways Center for Grief & Loss
Pathways Center is connected with Hospice and Community Care. They provide grief support for adults, teens, and kids. They also offer online grief education.
4075 Old Harrisburg Pike, Mount Joy, PA 17552
(717) 391-2413 or (800) 924-7610 En español: (717) 391-2440
Child Loss
The Compassionate Friends
Supporting families after a child dies.
Faith Church, 2124 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster Pennsylvania 17602
Email: kelleyanne1988@hotmail.com Phone: Kelley (484) 643-6578 or Mark (717) 626-8305
2nd Tuesday of each month- 7:00 pm
Loss of a Loved One by Suicide
Survivor’s of Suicide Loss Support Group
Peer-led group for those who have lost someone close to them by suicide
1st & 3rd Thursdays
7:30 PM – 8:45 PM
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
10 Delp Road, Lancaster, PA 17601
Contact: Kevin Eberle, 717-394-3541 or eclipse5694@aol.com
Parent’s of Suicide Loss Support Group
Peer-led group for those who have lost a child to suicide.
1st & 3rd Tuesdays
7 PM – 8:30 PM
St. James Catholic Church
505 Woodcrest Avenue, Lititz, PA 17543
Contact: Dawn Khamvongsa at 717-625-0010 or dkhamvongsa7@gmail.com